Our Story

“picnics are part of my DNA”

Photo Credit: Mom, Valley of a Thousand Hills, Durban - 1982

hi! I’m Sally, and I’m the founder of Pickle Picnics. Growing up in sunny South Africa meant outdoor living to the max and picnics played a key role! At picnic stops along the road, the beach, or just in the garden.

The blanket hunt

Shortly after having a family of my own I began the hunt for a picnic blanket that would comfortably fit us all, that could be used on damp ground and was machine washable. I was surprised to discover no such product existed.

I headed down a path of research and development to produce a picnic mat that was out of the ordinary, fun and functional (take a look at our Why Pickle? page to see just how fun and functional our products really are!).

And so Pickle Picnics was created, allowing me to bring innovation to the picnic market, whilst working around the demands of family life, and having fun all at the same time!

was born